A collection of brushes and images that can draw simple pleats (シンプルなプリーツが描けるブラシ&画像集) シンプルなプリーツが描けるブラシ&画像集

Content ID:2156672

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It is a collection of brush and image materials that can draw neat and simple pleats and frills. すっきりとシンプルなプリーツやフリルを描けるブラシと画像の素材集です。

* "Aori" means the composition seen from below.

You can draw pleats of hard fabric with a crisp and clean feeling as if ironed.
By adding it to the collar and hem of a simple garment, it gives it a meticulous and glamorous look at the same time.

The blue lines are all materials.

You can change the brush size to create both skirts and ruffles. In particular, the box pleats give a voluminous and gorgeous impression.

An example of a pleated skirt that looks like a

Load the image material and arrange it with mesh transformation to match the draft.

Darken the outline line with border effect or add the belt part of the waist with another layer.

Color the skirt by multiplication.

Since it does not match the direction of the light source, I fill the shadow at the edge with white.

While being aware that the skirt is cylindrical, I add shadows with an airbrush.

At this time, if you add a lot of wrinkles in an attempt to increase the amount of information, it may become a mess and look like an ungroomed crumpled skirt.
You may be worried if there is little drawing, but let's think that a certain amount of information has been secured at the time it is pleated.

Therefore, by daring to add a rough shade, you can express the formal and hard texture of the fabric of the uniform.

Of course, you can also draw hakama. Please try to find various expressions according to the publication medium and the reader/viewership.
















Short pleated ruffles 短めのプリーツ・フリル

Long pleats 長いプリーツ

Box Pleats ボックスプリーツ

Update history

2025. 3/9 Commentary text and explanatory images have been replaced and added to make them easier to understand. 2025. 3/9 解説文および解説画像をよりわかりやすいものに差し替え、追加しました。

Content ID:2156672

Published : 1 day ago

Last updated : 8 hours ago

青空ぱろま's profile Go to profile

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