It is a set of brushes that can easily depict fantastic light.
In addition to creating the atmosphere of scenes and characters, it can be widely used for sunlight through trees, sunlight, neon, underwater and sea surface.
□ brush samples and images used for illustrations
Layer Mode
Left image: Normal Right image: dodge (luminescence)
Example of use below: The dodge (luminescence) opacity is slightly lowered.
1. Fantastic Light Brush
2. Fantastic Light Brush 2
It is mainly superimposed on the shadow part.
3. Fantastic Light Rainbow
4. Fantastic Light Rainbow 2
5. Fantastic Light Shabo
6. Fantastic Light Bubbles
7. Fantastic Light Diamond
8. Fantastic Light Circle
You can change main color this brush and use it in any color you like.
9. Gensohikari Circle 2
You can change main color this brush and use it in any color you like.
10. Fantastic Light Waves
This brush change sub color with main color and can be used in any color you like.
I created it to depict the light of waves such as the sea surface, but I think it can be used other than the sea surface as shown in the image used.
11. Fantastic Light Wave 2
This brush change sub color with main color and can be used in any color you like.
□ comparison Images without light brushes
All of the example images above are overlays of this image with only each brush.
左画像:通常 右画像:覆い焼き(発光)
1. 幻想光ブラシ
2. 幻想光ブラシ2
3. 幻想光 虹
4. 幻想光 虹2
5. 幻想光 しゃぼん
6. 幻想光 泡
7. 幻想光 ダイヤ
8. 幻想光 円
9. 幻想光 円2
10. 幻想光 波
11. 幻想光 波2
□比較用 光ブラシを使用していない画像
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Fantasy Light Wave 2 幻想光 波2
Fantasy light waves 幻想光 波
Fantasy Light 2 幻想光 2
Fantastic Light Circle 幻想光 円
Fantastic Light Diamond 幻想光 ダイヤ
Fantasy light bubbles 幻想光 泡
Fantastic Light Shabo 幻想光 しゃぼん
Fantasy Light Rainbow 2 幻想光 虹 2
Fantasy light rainbow 幻想光 虹
Fantastic Light Brush 2 幻想光ブラシ 2
Fantastic Light Brush 幻想光ブラシ