【Rust processing added】Metal processing auto action (【錆加工追加】金属加工オートアクション) 【錆加工追加】金属加工オートアクション

Content ID:2110102

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a auto action to process the drawn metal more metallurgically.
It gives a crisp texture and adjusts the color.

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□ usage

Select the layer of the metal part, select the auto action, and press Play auto action (bottom right ▷ mark).

You can adjust the opacity of the layer created to your liking.

□ About the auto action of "Color"

"Color" is one that allows you to change the metal to any color you want.
It's just a matter of clipping to the layer below and creating a layer in overlay mode, but I added it to save time.

"Color" is
(1) Perform other metal processing auto action
(2) Execute "Color"
(3) Put your favorite color on the layer made of (2)
You can change the color by following these steps.

In the image above, I run "Silver" and then put a darker blue in "Color".

□ created with silver in mind, but it can also be used in other colors.
* As for the gold-based color, "gold" will come out with a harsh color.

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Old version

Content ID:2110102

Published : 21 days ago

Last updated : 21 days ago

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