Watercolor brushes made to have the rougher textures that would be expected with the use of salt. Perfect for the storybook fantasy feel.
These tools were made at 600 dpi and mimic the appearance of watercolors with the mixed media additives of salt, soap, and bubblewrap.

In traditional watercolors, these would be used to give unique textures at different times during the painting process.

All of these are relatively simple to use.
The little brush and salty watercolor brush are the brushes with the most versatility as they very actively change based off of their size and pressure.
The wash brushes are made to cover large areas smoothly, but this can make them a bit slow so it is recommended to apply them with a steady hand to avoid lag.

The brushes can also be used in both an additive and reductive way to mimic the wiping away highlighting technique common in traditional watercolors.
The watercolor petals were a fun scatter brush I made with webcomics in mind and use both the main and sub colors.
The other tools provided are to help establish the textures used with the mixed media approaches.

By adding a multiply layer on top of a previously partially erased layer you can mimic the effect of the pigment being pushed around by salt, Using both of the salt erasers interchangeably with the blenders and bubbly water color brush on the multiply layer will drastically increase the effect like shown above.
These brushes also work really well on overlay layers so don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations.

Have Fun :)
Category 1