Crosshatched Sparkles

Content ID:2106913

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Sparkly brushes with a hint of crosshatching for comic, manga, and webcomic effects. Great for not overpowering backgrounds.

Made at 600 dpi for easy versatility. Sparkly brushes with a hint of crosshatching for comic, manga, and webcomic effects. All of these scatter brushes use the main and sub color to create their effects.

 It is recommended to use complementary colors and have one color more saturated than the other to increase the pop of the effects.

Additionally, changing the brush and particle sizes will greatly effect the appearance of the brushes.

Below are examples of what the brushes will do at their default settings.

Hatched Sparkle - This brush is set to hard light for a basic Sparkly effect.

Rainbow Hatched Sparkle - This brush is also set to hard light, but also has the added effect of color jitter that can be toggled.

Color Dodging Hatched Sparkle - Set to color dodge so to work best it has to be applied to a layer with color already.

Diamond Hatched Sparkles - A variation of the hatched sparkle brush, but with little diamond sparkles.

More Sparkles - Set to hard light and has color jitter as well. This brush is packed with the brush tips from the other brushes for a quick and chaotic application.

Confetti Sparkles - Set to hard light and has color jitter to look like semi transparent confetti paper. It is a fun variation of the diamond hatched sparkles brush without the hatching brush tip that the other brushes have. 

Have Fun :)

Category 1

Content ID:2106913

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

Libraghost's profile Go to profile

I do a lot of fantasy based art, brushes coming soon.