【3D】Trenches (【3D】塹壕) 【3D】塹壕

Content ID:2104530

  • 283
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a 3D trench. 3Dの塹壕です。

It is a 3D trench. It was created for battle scene purposes.
It is large enough Mr./Ms. a 175-centimeter doll to sit on a chair and hold a gun.

Parts such as ladders, wooden boxes, chairs, sandbags, and enclosure soil are divided and can be moved finely.
You can also make it easy to use, such as displaying only the left and right in the layout.

★ The sandbag ver is heavy due to the large number of parts.
Therefore, we also put in a object that does not have a lightweight version of sandbags.
Please add sandbags and use them.




trench 塹壕

Content ID:2104530

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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