Pop splash brush (ポップ飛沫ブラシ) ポップ飛沫ブラシ

Content ID:2100413

  • 619
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

It is a cute pop splash brush with a different atmosphere from real droplets.
I made it because I wanted a splash brush with a round feel.

All brushes have "brush tip color change" checked by default, so the splashes will be colorful.
If you change the "Hue, saturation, and lightness" under the "brush tip color change" checkbox, the color will change, such as the overall color will be the same color.

brush tip image Mr./Ms. pull
Mr./Ms. pull is an image of an A4 size 350dpi canvas exported at 566 pixels × 400 pixels.
As a guideline for the size, I made a checkerboard of 500×500 pixel light blue squares and placed them on the background of the material.

"Pop Splash Brush 1" has 20 types of brush tip image "black".
Since the brush density is set randomly, it is a type that appears in shades with one color. The color of the layer below shows through.

"Pop Splash Brush 2" has 20 types of brush tip images "black" and 20 types of "white" with main color and sub color.
Since no brush density is set, overlapping colors and layer below colors do not show through.
brush tip image has the same shape, only that the colors are black and white.

"Pop Splash Brush 3" is a brush tip of 20 different images with a gray base, black shadows, and white highlights to create a slightly three-dimensional effect.
I think the unique color change between main color and sub color is interesting.

If you draw with sub color, you will not get a three-dimensional effect.
If the main and secondary colors are the same, drawing with main color will not give a three-dimensional effect.

Depending on the main and secondary colors, it is easy to get a dull color that does not give a very three-dimensional effect.
I feel that if the sub color is white, it is easier to create a three-dimensional effect.

By default, brush tip image orientation is random.
If you want to align the direction of shadows and highlights, click
Set "Flip left and right" and "flip vertical" in "brush tip" to "None",
If you uncheck "Random" in "direction of particle" in "spraying effect",
brush tip I think the orientation of the image will no longer change, and the direction of the shadows and highlights will be aligned.

It's fun to draw in a colorful state, as if you were sprinkling paint.
I hope you find it useful. m(_ _)m

For the Mr./Ms. pull of the brush introduction, I used the material "Line Kirigami 1 (Content ID: 2095352)".








「ブラシ先端」の 「左右反転」と「上下反転」を「なし」にして、

お役に立ったら嬉しいです。m(_ _)m


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2100413

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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