frame-tarot template (枠-tarot テンプレ) 枠-tarot テンプレ

Content ID:2099532

  • 214

It is a material that can be used for tarot card frames. タロットカードのフレームに使える素材です。

In fact, it is a frame material that can also be used as an Art Deco-style tarot card manuscript.

[When used as a manuscript template for tarot cards]
It is a little larger × 7.9 cm 14.1 cm original size and 600px,
The aspect ratio is the same as the usual 12 cm × 6.6 cm, so please reduce it to 85%.

Sample of use
* Please enter the text and illustrations by yourself.
(1st sheet: with a name object, top object, 2nd sheet: Tarot back, 3rd sheet: with a name object, bottom of object)

It is also possible to copy and paste the material on the layer into another document.
* Original size ratio with A4 manuscript. If you shrink it to 75%, it will be almost large enough to fit the inner frame.

The following are the basic specifications of the layer.
The layer of the line part is created in vector layer and can be easily reduced and enlarged.

Each part remains layered. Please place the text and illustration in the position you like.
"Tarot Back" is actually created as the back of the tarot card.

In addition, the guide used to create it is also included, so please use it to adjust the position of the text and illustrations.
There are guidelines at 2 mm each from the top, bottom, left and right, and in the center and 3 equal parts.

In addition, for the color of gold and dark ash, we used the color set "lacquer and gold and silver supplement" contained in another material "foil".

It is also attached here. Please use it if you like.


(1枚目:名入りオブジェクトあり・オブジェクト上部 2枚目:タロット裏 3枚目:名入りオブジェクトあり・オブジェクト下部)





また、金色と濃灰の色は、別素材『箔』に入っているカラーセット『漆と金銀 追』を使用しました。


template (layer) テンプレート(レイヤー)

Color カラーセット

Update history

2024/06/16 Material released. 2024/07/15 Republished due to erroneous upload. * It is a mistake to include "foil 弐" in the old version. 2024/06/16 素材公開。
2024/07/15 誤アップロードのため再公開。
※旧バージョンに『箔 弐』が入っているのは誤りです。

Old version

Content ID:2099532

Published : 2 months ago

Last updated : 2 months ago

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