Fun Color Changing Brushes

Content ID:2094975

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Just two color changing brushes that are fun to play with!

I'm cleaning my computer so you guys are getting more material than usual, hope that's ok.  It's not all high quality, but at least it's something ;w;

Anyway - here's 2 brushes that change color.  You can use them for fun doodles or for actual paintings, whatever you'd like.

The first one is the gem paint:

A duo brush that uses color mixing.  Feel free to adjust the settings for different looks.

The second is the colorful sketch brush:

On the left is the color I picked, on the right is the color that the brush produces in response.  Feel free to adjust how the colors come out.

Super fast doodles:

Thanks for having a look.  It's not much, but I hope it's fun to use if you play with it. :)  If I have any more color changing brushes I think I'll put them in this pack. 

color mix

Content ID:2094975

Published : 2 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

saturns_day's profile Go to profile

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D