Brush for wetting hair (髪をぬるためのブラシ) 髪をぬるためのブラシ

Content ID:2094134

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You can use this material catalog with Clip Studio Paint Ver. 2 and newer. ( Download Clip Studio Paint Ver.2 )

【About the material】
The brush for painting hair is a brush set with a wide variety of nibs and easy to apply hair.
There are a variety of brushes such as brushes that can adjust the shade by pen pressure, brushes that do not require fine control, brushes that can draw flow, and water brushes.
This allows you to draw beautiful hair in a short time, which greatly improves your work efficiency! This set is recommended for a wide range of users, from beginners to professionals. Give it a try.

【Recorded material】
16 types in total

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計 16 種類収録


* Since the video is a GIF image, the image quality has deterioratedThe actual image is created in high quality.

【 A 】Brush that changes shade depending on pen pressure, you can control the amount of filling.

【 B 】Brush that can be applied MAX without pen pressure relationship, unnecessary shades do not appear, so you can apply beautifully.

【 C 】Brushes that continue to flow hair, fine drawing and scraping, etc.

【 Water brush 】 Brush for stretching color, this itself does not have color, so for finishing

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【 A 】筆圧で濃淡が変わるブラシ、塗り加減をコントロールできる。

【 B 】筆圧関係なしにMAX塗れるブラシ、不要な濃淡が出ないので綺麗に塗れる。

【 C 】髪の流れが続くブラシ、細かい描写や削りなどに

【 水筆 】色を伸ばすためのブラシ、これ自体は色がつかないので仕上げなどに



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Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2094134

Published : 5 days ago

Last updated : 2 days ago

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