Pillows with wrinkles (しわの入った枕) しわの入った枕

Content ID:2072123

  • 103
  • 50 GOLD
  • 500 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

It is a pillow with wrinkles that form when you place your head in the center. 中央に頭を置いた時に出来るしわの入った枕です

Overview and Features
  • Number of polygons: 115,228
  • Includes pillow object with different wrinkle strengths and weaknesses
  • Since the lighting is baked into the texture, it can be imported and used immediately without setting the light source.
  • You can choose from three types of shadow intensity from "Material Presets"

LT conversion example
All 3840 x 2160 px images converted or rasterize LT reduced to 480 x 270 px
(The 3D character material used is the one pre-installed in Clip Studio Paint)

Choosing the strength of the shadow
You can choose from three types of shadow strengths from the material presets.
(By default, it is set to "shadow_weak")

About the use of light sources
Since the lighting is baked into a texture, it is not necessary to use a light source, but a light source can also be used, the following is an example of LT conversion when using a light source.

The "apply light source" checkbox is in "tool property[object]"

Other uses
It can also be used as a cushion by adjusting the scale.

All LT conversions were performed at 3840 x 2160 px canvas size with the following settings:

  • ポリゴン数:115,228
  • 2種類のしわの強弱が異なる枕のオブジェクトが収録されています
  • ライティングをテクスチャに焼き込んでいるため光源を設定しなくても読み込んですぐに使用できます
  • 「マテリアルのプリセット」から影の強さを3種類から選択できます

全て3840 x 2160 pxでLT変換またはラスタライズした画像を480 x 270 pxに縮小しています
(使用している3Dキャラクター素材はClip Studio Paintにプリインストールされているものです)





LT変換は全て3840 x 2160 pxのキャンバスサイズで以下の設定で実行しました

Bedding 寝具

Content ID:2072123

Published : 1 month ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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