Light-sensitive brushes (光感筆刷) 光感筆刷

Content ID:2069791

  • 8,719

The most commonly used special effect for drawing your own picture is "light sense", in order to make it easy to use when drawing graffiti, I made a simplified version of it in CSP with 啰ヾ (^▽^*))) 自己畫圖最常用的特效就 "光感" 居多,為了畫塗鴉時方便使用,做了簡易版在CSP裡用囉ヾ(^▽^*)))

2024.03.02 Fixed some effects + added pen brush↓


★ Can be substituted for color


★ Dark base effect


★ Apply to the schematic



★ Can be used in combination with Creative ID: 2069787 → ★

2024.03.02 修正部分效果 + 新增筆刷↓









★可搭配 素材ID: 2069787 → 一起組合使用★

Brushes 筆刷

Old version

Content ID:2069791

Published : 6 months ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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