Light-sensing brush (光感筆刷) 光感筆刷

Content ID:1843644

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Self-drawing the most commonly used special effects on the "light sense" in the majority, in order to draw graffiti when easy to use, made a simple version in the CSP with ヾ) 自己畫圖最常用的特效就 "光感" 居多,為了畫塗鴉時方便使用,做了簡易版在CSP裡用囉ヾ(^▽^*)))


2024.02.28/ 6 new brushes


★ Interchangeable colors


★ Dark base effect


★ Schematic application of the application




2024.02.28/ 新增6款筆刷









Brush 筆刷

Content ID:1843644

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 6 months ago

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