Material Collection/いろいろメジャー (Length, Angle, Thread, Square Eye) Ver02 (素材集/いろいろメジャー(身長・角度・罫線・方眼)Ver02) 素材集/いろいろメジャー(身長・角度・罫線・方眼)Ver02

Content ID:2063432

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I made a scale of height and angle into a material collection.
This collection of materials includes:
・Image of height measure
・Image of angle measure
・Tiling material for borders
・Graph tiling material
is included.

Height Major

Personally, I wanted a background for setting the character's height, so I made an image with a height scale. (I use my own font for the numbers on the scale.) )↓

[Scale - every 10 cm]

[Scale - every 5 cm]

This collection also includes a black-and-white inverted version and a transparent background. ↓

Angle Measure

It is an angle measure created to draw magic circles and clock faces. A large scale is included every 45 degrees, and a fine scale in between is every 15 degrees. ↓

I also created a black-and-white inverted version of this measure and a version with a transparent background. ↓

Ver.02 has added a detailed scale version. Please use this as well if you like. ↓

Borders and graphs

Tiling material created as a by-product during production will be recorded as a bonus. It is a material that can draw borders and graphs. In addition to making it part of the illustration as it is, I think you can also use it as an auxiliary line.

By transforming this tiling material into a trapezoidal shape using the free transform's "perspective distortion" or "distortion", you can create a simple perspective. Using this as a guide, I tried to create a background illustration with the image of the sea. ↓

【Example of use】 (*Images of usage examples are not included in this material.) )














Height Major 身長メジャー

Angle Measure 角度メジャー

Borders and graphs 罫線と方眼

Update history

2024/02/04 The following four materials have been added. ・Angle measure_5 degree increments ・Angle measure_1 degree increment ・Scale_Borders 3 ・Scale_Graph 3 2024/02/04 以下の4つの素材を追加しました。

Old version

Content ID:2063432

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

PonpokoYashiki's profile Go to profile

いつもダウンロードやいいね、ありがとうございます。とても励みになっています! 普段は動画サイトへイラストや音楽をアップしていて、その過程で出来たあれこれをASSETSで公開させていただいております。皆様の創作活動のお役に立てば幸いです。 ※一部素材は予告なく有償への変更、価格変更等する場合があります。何卒御了承ください。

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