Height major
Because I wanted a background for the height setting of the character personally, I produced an image with a scale of height. (I use a font of my own to scale figures.) ) ↓
[Scale-10 per ㎝]
In addition to the book material, black and white reversed version, the transparent background version is included. ↓
Angle measure
This is the angle measure created by the Magic team and the clock dial. The large scale is 45 degrees each, and the fine scale between them is every 15 degrees. ↓
This measure also created a black and white reversed version and a transparent version of the background. ↓
The tiling material which was produced by-product is recorded as a bonus at the time of the production. It is the material which can draw a border and a grid. In addition to being part of the illustration as it is, I think that you can use it as an extension line.
You can create a simple perspective by transforming this tiling material into a trapezoid using free transform ' perspective skew ' or ' distorted '. I tried to produce a background illustration that the image of the sea, with this as a guide. ↓
[Example of Use]
(※ The image of the example used is not included in this material.) )