Dark Effect (Dark Effect) Dark Effect

Content ID:2045773

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

Brush to draw a dark magic effect 闇魔法っぽいエフェクトを描くブラシ

Brushes that can draw dark attribute magic and energy-like effects
I wanted lightning and flames with cross-hatching, so I made a prototype

All colors can be changed, but 3 brushes are due to the combine mode of dual brushes.
Depending on the combination of main color and sub color, the cross-hatching may not come out cleanly.
Personally, I recommend using gradient map.
All can be color-changed, but the brush3 may not have sharply hatching-texture due to the dual-brush compositing mode, depending on the combination of the main and sub colors.
Personally, I recommend using a gradient map.

It looks great when using saturated colors.
It is also interesting to try using the border effect


All can be color-changed, but the brush3 may not have sharply hatching-texture due to the dual-brush compositing mode, depending on the combination of the main and sub colors.
Personally, I recommend using a gradient map.


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2045773

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 10 months ago

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