Ice cluster (Ice cluster) Ice cluster

Content ID:2045804

  • 5,504

Connecting Ice / Lumps of CLIP STUDIO つながる氷/クリスタルの塊

2023.11.15 Add 2 brushes(ice_cluster07, ice_cluster08)
Update by adjusting all brushes

Thank you for your support with gifts and likes
It's encouraging
Thank you for your support through gifts and likes.
They are very encouraging.

Since starting and ending correction is included, the tip is pointed when drawing quickly.
If you want to draw straight, turn it off and use it.
starting/ending correction is on, so drawn quickly will be pointy.
turn it off if you want to draw straight like a pillar.

By using it on a color layer / gray layer, it can be connected even with strokes drawn later.
Useful when you want to draw crystal clusters, etc.
Reflects main color and sub color

2023.11.15 ブラシ2本追加(ice_cluster07, ice_cluster08)

Thank you for your support through gifts and likes.
They are very encouraging.

starting/ending correction is on, so drawn quickly will be pointy.
turn it off if you want to draw straight like a pillar.


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Update history

2023.07.09 Add 2 brushes(ice_cluster3, ice_cluster4) 2023.09.19 Add 2 brushes(ice_cluster5, ice_cluster6) 2023.11.15 Added 2 brushes (ice_cluster07, ice_cluster08), updated by adjusting all brushes 2023.07.09 ブラシ2本追加(ice_cluster3, ice_cluster4)
2023.09.19 ブラシ2本追加(ice_cluster5, ice_cluster6)
2023.11.15 ブラシ2本追加(ice_cluster07, ice_cluster08),すべてのブラシを調整してアップデート

Old version

Content ID:2045804

Published : 10 months ago

Last updated : 10 months ago

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