Ice shardC (Ice shardC) Ice shardC

Content ID:2054341

  • 6,848
This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

Brush to draw connecting thin ice つながる薄氷を描くブラシ

A brush that can draw delicate ice with a thin tension
By using it on a color/gray layer, it will also connect with strokes drawn later.

Various ice expressions can be created by changing the values of "scatter density" and "paper quality".
Use it with your preferred parameters

Main color: White, Sub color: If you draw in black, you can create an expression like the frozen surface of water.
(The image below has added highlights)




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2054341

Published : 9 months ago

Last updated : 8 months ago

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