Blur Star Spray Set (ぼかし芒星スプレーセット) ぼかし芒星スプレーセット

Content ID:2032140

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

I wanted a glitter spray that was colored only in the blurred part, so I made it myself. ぼかした部分のみ色がついているキラキラ系のスプレーが欲しかったので自作しました。

【Material Overview】

Chromatic Aberration Blur Star Spray: Color cannot be changed / A spray that can draw glitter like chromatic aberration

Color Change Blur Star Spray: Color changeable / spray that allows you to change the color of the glitter center and outside to match various motifs

【How to use the material】

1. Apply "Chromatic Aberration Blur Star Spray" or "Color Change Blur Star Spray" to the new normal layer as it is.

2. Change the layer mode to addition (luminous) or hard light, or duplicate and blur to create a more atmosphere.

3. If there is an accessory or other part you want to emphasize in the foreground, attach the included image material.

* Gradient materials and color set are made as extras. Use it for backgrounds and finishes.

When combined with other materials, the illustration becomes even more complex and informative.
I also make my own other glitter materials, so please try using them as well.
"Blur Ball Spray Set" (Content ID: 1864136)









「ぼかし玉スプレーセット 」(コンテンツID:1864136)

Spray スプレー

image material 画像素材

Gradient グラデーション

color set カラーセット

Update history

2023/09/18 Added two-color color set for color change blur star spray 2023/09/19 Added search tags with English and Korean translations 2023/09/25 Changed to a high-visibility thumbnail image 2023/11/19 Changed to a more easy-to-understand explanatory image 2023/09/18 色変更ぼかし芒星スプレー用の2色カラーセットを追加
2023/09/19 英語翻訳、韓国語翻訳した検索タグを追加
2023/09/25 視認性の高いサムネイル画像へ変更
2023/11/19 より分かりやすい説明画像へ変更

Content ID:2032140

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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