Tartan Plaid image material Collection (タータンチェック柄画像素材集) タータンチェック柄画像素材集

Content ID:2093067

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I made my own because I wanted a tartan plaid pattern image material with multiple colors. Please use it for uniforms and suit ties. 複数の色味が入ったタータンチェック柄のパターン画像素材が欲しくて自作しました。制服やスーツのネクタイ等に使用してください。

【Material Overview】

tartan check _CMYK: a tartan plaid image material composed only of colors that can be reproduced in print.

Tartan check _RGB: A tartan plaid image material that attempts to reproduce a darker color with the color displayed on the LCD screen

【How to use the material】

1. Paste "Tartan Check _CMYK" or "Tartan Check _RGB" to the new normal layer.
(* It seems to be easy to use when used in conjunction with the clipping function.) )

2. If it does not match the design or overall atmosphere, display the layer property and set it as shown in the image below. It changes to a gray (monotone) image and allows you to adjust the color saturation and other colors.

When the above settings are applied to "tartan check _CMYK"

When the above settings are applied to "tartan check _RGB"

3. After rasterize the image material with layer settings, you can create a three-dimensional effect with various transformation tools, or change the color using duplication gradient map and various layer mode settings to create a more complex expression.









image material 画像素材

Content ID:2093067

Published : 8 months ago

Last updated : 8 months ago

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