[3D] Bowling set (【3D】ボウリングセット) 【3D】ボウリングセット

Content ID:1996716

  • 112
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A set of bowling balls and pins 3D Object. ボウリングのボールとピンの3Dオブジェクトのセットです。

The material includes a bowling ball and a total of two ten pins.

The PIN can be moved one at a time.

The color of the ball can be changed from material preset.

You can change the color by adjusting the hue.

It is an estimate of size by the initial setting.  (Male: 175cm female: 160cm)
The diameter of the ball is approximately 21.5 cm, and the pin height is approximately 38cm.

Example of Use

LT Conversion Example (no corrections)

The price of the material is subject to change without notice.
Please be forewarned.





初期設定での大きさの目安です。  (男性 : 175cm  女性 : 160cm)


LT変換例 (加筆修正なし)


Bowling ボウリング

Content ID:1996716

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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