Biblically Accurate Angel Set

Content ID:1975606

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This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A set of ribbon brushes and figure tools inspired by depictions of biblically accurate angels.

Contrast to the common depiction of angels as robed human figures with halos, a lot of biblical descriptions of angels are really wild! Ophanim, in particular, are described as wheels within wheels covered in eyes. 

This set has four ribbon brushes and four circle tools to create designs inspired by ophanim. The different styles are transparent, selected color (primary is the line color, secondary is the fill color), flat color, and color with reflective lighting. 

You can change the colors on the last two using correction layers, like in the example below (gradient maps used in example are my own).

These are some of the weirder brushes I've made, but I hope you can find them useful for something! ^^;

Ribbon Brushes

Figure Tools

Content ID:1975606

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

ro!!!!!!'s profile Go to profile

hello, call me Rosie or Ro! i'm still learning CSP and i'm experimenting making my own tools. clippy is appreciated but not necessary! i post some r-18 content so make sure your filters are on if you don't want to see that. english only, sorry ^^;