Gold Star Ornament Brush Set (金の星飾りブラシセット(Gold Star)) 金の星飾りブラシセット(Gold Star)

Content ID:1970365

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It is a set of brushes to be able to draw a star decoration of texture and rough.

Three and four are brushes dedicated to vertical lines. Move your pen from top to bottom.
If you want to draw a line of your choice, please use one and two.

1 Simple one-row star Line
2 randomly scattered star lines
3 Vertical Line
4 Vertical line (rusted gold. Weakened gloss)

◆ ◆ ◆ Usage example ◆ ◆ ◆

● Procedure for creating this machining example
Fill the ① background with black.
Create a ② new layer and draw a letter using the Gold Star Brush 1.
(If the star is less visible, try reducing the "interval" of the brush setting to a value less than 80.) )
③ ② to replicate and change the layer above to color dodge. Blur the layer below gaussian blur filter.
④ make new layer over ③ and change it to color dodge. Draw green, red, and blue dots to color some of the stars. Blur with Blur tool if necessary.

● Layer configuration for this machining example
-White light on the star [layer combine mode: dodge (Light emitting)] opacity about 50%
Tonal correction layer (used to increase the star contrast)
-White light on the wall [layer combine mode: dodge (Light emitting)] opacity 60%
Star Shadow
(Duplicate layer a star to shift the position of the deformation, fill the opaque part in black and then blur with gaussian blur filter)
-Dark blue wall (draw a circle to soften the contour with a blur tool)
Black fill

The white light set the gradient tool foreground to transparent to the ellipse and then drew it in white. We duplicated this and adjusted the opacity for each of the stars and walls.

● Layer configuration for this machining example
tonal correction layer tone curve
-Gold Star Ornament (gaussian blur filter to blend the contours slightly)
* Yarn drawn in white (add layer combine mode)
The shape of the star that blur the boundary after fill in black (divide layer combine mode)
Red Blur the boundary
Black fill

If you want to draw a larger star, try the following methods.

① Save the file you're editing just in case.
② sub tool detail pallet (the mark of a spanner),
Brush size > Check specify by size on screen.
③ the scale of the canvas and then draw the stars. (Note that each time you change the scale of the canvas, the size of the stars will also change.)
First set the brush size to a small 50 to 500 and then try to draw, I think it is easy to adjust the size of the star to increase gradually.

When the specify by size on screen is checked,
The smaller scale the canvas, the bigger the star.
The bigger the brush size, the bigger the star.



1 シンプルな一列の星のライン
2 ランダムに散らばる星のライン
3 縦のライン
4 縦のライン(錆びた金色。光沢弱め)







ブラシサイズ>画面上のサイズで指定 にチェックを入れる。


Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1970365

Published : 1 year ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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