Puku Puku Cloud Brush Set (ぷくぷく雲ブラシセット) ぷくぷく雲ブラシセット

Content ID:2113590

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A set of all 12 materials that can draw a retro atmosphere sky レトロな雰囲気の空が描ける全12種の素材セット

It is a set of brushes that can draw plump clouds and star and moon stamps with a texture like a plastic toy.
As an added bonus, it includes stamps of unusual clouds such as hearts and apples, and a brush that can draw cloud lines that can be used for text decoration.

Included in the set
◆ Puku Puku Cloud Brush ... 2 types (normal/cotton)
◆ Star stamp ... 2 types (Marumi / Spigari)
◆ Moon stamp ... 1 type

◆ Unusual cloud stamp ... 6 types
2 types of hearts, apple, rabbit, cat, nikukyu
◆Puku Puku Cloud Line ... 1 type

■ Comparison image of [Pukupuku cloud] and [Pukupuku cloud (cotton)]
Pukupuku clouds (left image) can draw round and three-dimensional clouds. This one has a lot of images of the tip of the brush, so you can create expressive clouds.
Puku Puku Cloud (cotton) (right image) can be used in a small size to draw hand-drawn clouds, and large sizes to draw clouds with a fluff-like texture.
Please use it according to your application.

■【About Nikukyu Stamp】
The [Nikukyu Stamp] also contains images of two types of prototype rabbits.
If you want to use only nikukyu, delete these two rabbit tip images before using.
For the two types of rabbits in the prototype, the shadows in the ears look a little unnatural when the contrast is increased, but I liked the silhouette, so I included them. It is recommended to use pastel colors and other colors with reduced contrast.

Processing example
(The leftmost one is before processing, and the more you go to the right, the more tonal correction layer are layered.)

Enlarged version above ↓


◆ぷくぷく雲ブラシ …2種類(ノーマル/綿)
◆星スタンプ …2種類(まるみ/とがり)
◆月スタンプ …1種類

◆変わり種の雲スタンプ …6種類
◆ぷくぷく雲ライン …1種類





Pukupuku Cloud Brush ぷくぷく雲ブラシ

Cloud Variant 雲 変わり種

For text decorations and borders 文字装飾や枠線に

Category 4 カテゴリ4

Content ID:2113590

Published : 7 days ago

Last updated : 7 days ago

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