Templates set: Webcomic

Content ID:1960971

  • 1,042
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

English layer templates I originally made for my own need, but thought you might get a use out of it, as well. I tend to use many layers and it's not always easy to keep things in order. That's why I used folders and sub-folders.
The text font used here is my own.


The contents of this Material Catalog

In this catalog there are three different templates for the different parts of your comic creation process. Thumbnailing, vertical scroll comic creation, and for adding a new frame folder.

You find a preview layer of a phone screen ratio 10:16 in both the Webcomic Thumbnail Template and the Webcomic Template. This is to allow you to check how much of your comic is seen at a time on the screen by a reader.

You can add all the frame folders onto your layer panel before you start sketching or just drag new folders from the asset template as you work on.. You can use the New Frame Folder in this catalog by dragging it onto your layer panel, or simply copy-paste the pre-existing Frame Folder.

In any case, it's a good idea to first have a ready script and make thumbnails accordingly of every frame in the episode beforehand. When you start to draw the episode, you already have the basic understanding of what you're aiming for.

I hope this helps you.

Grid Thumbnails Template and Image Material

Select this template or drag onto your A4 vertical/portrait canvas @350dpi. The grid is in this catalog also as an image so you can use it for anything you can think of.

Below: Preview of the 8x8 grid Thumbnails Template.

Webcomic Thumbnails Templates

Select this template or drag onto your A4 horizontal/landscape canvas @350dpi. Plan your webcomic episode to make the work easier for yourself later on.

Below: Preview of the Webcomic Thumbnails Template.

Webcomic Template 2048x40.000px @350dpi

Just select the webcomic template when creating your canvas in the size 2048x40.000px @350dpi, or drag the template to your layer panel - remember to drag it right above the Paper layer.
Then edit the layers and folders according to your needs.

Below: Upper level folders of the Webcomic Template.

New Frame Folder Template

Drag the New Frame Folder Template into your layer panel where you want it, and proceed to work on your comic! 

Below: New Frame Folder added to the layer panel.

Webcomic Layer Templates + Grid image


Update history

4.11.2022: Fonts used are now my own font in my every Asset it applies to.

2.11.2022: Fixed fonts used to comply to Clip Studio Assets rules, deleted old version of this Asset, and posted this new version of it.
- A second update of the day to tweak the description and add the 8x8 grid image material

Old version

Content ID:1960971

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

MirjaHCreative's profile Go to profile

A Finnish lady with a bad back and half-disability pension due to that. Age 40+. Hobbyist digital artist planning on an original comic/webtoon. Apparently I make Clip Studio Assets, too. Social media handle @MirjaHCreative