The edge is bright, and I want a brush of thick coating (~ brush coating) to be able to put out warmth easily.
It is recommended to set the color cool system such as blue to the background color to the colors of drawing, such as yellow.
Setting the background color to be darker than the drawing color border of watercolor.
When you want to put the highlight in the opposite direction, it is easy to draw while using the invert function.
Or adjust the settings accordingly. (Brush shape > brush tip > Orientation parameter must be 180.) )

Category 1 カテゴリ1
Bright Border Brush A 明るい境界ブラシ A
Bright Border Brush B 明るい境界ブラシ B
Bright Border Brush A (2sides) 明るい境界ブラシA(2sides)
Bright Border Brush B (2sides) 明るい境界ブラシB(2sides)
Bright Border Brush A (colored) 明るい境界ブラシ A(colored)
Bright Border Brush B (colored) 明るい境界ブラシ B(colored)
Bright Border Brush A (2sides) (colored) 明るい境界ブラシA(2sides)(colored)
Bright Border Brush B (2sides) (colored) 明るい境界ブラシB(2sides)(colored)
Update history
Ver. 2:
1. I added a brush with a bright part on both sides based on the existing brush A&B each brush tip.
2. For those who want to omit the foreground to change the color, I added a brush with a fixed color of four kinds of brushes including the above.
Old version