Content ID:1895565

  • 741
This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

autoaction preview

1. select the texture layer
2. play the autoaction "Charcoal GREY>COLOUR"
3. after the folder is prepared, double-click the gradient map layer and choose your gradient map
4. (optional) adjust the opacity of any of the layers
5. change the blending mode of the folder "CHARCOAL GRAD MAP"
6. make your own adjustments to anything & everything!

▶Use the MONO>>GREY when your texture is set to monochrome with alpha/color threshold. I used the gaussian blur to soften the edges of the monochrome texture.

▶use [convert] to convert/rasterise the image material directly.

▶use [keep] if you want to rasterise the image material while keeping a copy of the image material hidden below.

▶use [adjust] if you want to adjust the gaussian blur strength

▶When you are happy with the effects, you can flatten the folder with FLATTEN TEXTURE FX. This part is optional.

Have fun experimenting!

Update history

Content ID:1895565

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

carmina's profile Go to profile

Hi, sometimes I make csp assets. Message me here if you get errors or problems using my assets. Peace out (⓿v⓿)/✨