Jam Jars

Content ID:1890476

  • Free

Catalog of image material files of hexagonal glass jars. Includes those with lid and without.

Jam Jar Set

Relatively self explanatory, these jars are image materials that can be just dropped into your piece if you need jam jars in the background. 
  • All have black lineart and are ~550pxX700px. 
  • All of the glass is semitransparent, so you should be able to still see what's behind it to give off the see through, glass texture effect. 


Content ID:1890476

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

Lemonjelloarts's profile Go to profile

Hi! My name is Lemon, I'm a self-taught digital artist. My works can be best found on my social medias, all under the same @ (@lemonjelloarts)!