Locker Brush

Content ID:1879371

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Seamless ribboning brush for a wall of lockers.

This subtool is a ribboning brush of lockers for use in helping you construct backgrounds and settings for your art. 

The lockers change in size depending on pen pressure to allow you to create an image of perspective by utilizing taper techniques, as shown in the subtool's thumbnail image. They also follow the direction of your penstroke. 

I hope this asset comes to be of great use to you in making school settings for your art, or makes school AUs less daunting! <3 I also have an image material of the repeating locker wall itself up, if image materials are an easier way for you to construct your backgrounds. Best of luck, and happy creating! 

Content ID:1879371

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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Hi! My name is Lemon, I'm a self-taught digital artist. My works can be best found on my social medias, all under the same @ (@lemonjelloarts)!