[Part 2] Crm_ Light Brush Extra set + extra (【Part 2】Crm_しゅわしゅわライトブラシ追加セット+おまけ) 【Part 2】Crm_しゅわしゅわライトブラシ追加セット+おまけ

Content ID:1858145

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This material catalog contains materials that can be used from Clip Studio Paint Ver. 1.10.10. ( Download the latest version here )

Previous work [light brush set] was popular more than expected, gotten a request that I want a different repertoire, so I made a second bullet because there were various and so on! It is a effect brush of the feeling that I was a little.
Moreover, the by-product which I was born in making this material collection and the self-made dust brush which I often use are recorded.

[Light Brush Set] is the second installment ! The first step is here ↓

A particle brush that combines a specific shape (semi-handwritten) with fine light particles in a dual-brush parameter. It became such a material name because it becomes the feeling that I piled up a little.
The shape contains some things like a little border of watercolor, but that is handwriting.

Unlike traditional brushes, you can freely change the size, concentration and density of shapes and light particles.
The parameter with "2-" is set to adjust the direction of the particles.

The "Particle Light line" and "Turbulent light line" which were able to make this material collection are recorded, too. Because the habit of the parameter of the pressure is considerably strong, please customize each one and use...
"RGB Dust" is a complete bonus. It is a self-made brush that I usually use to finish the illustration.

デュアルブラシのパラメータで、特定の図形(半・手書き)と細かい光の粒子を組み合わせた パーティクルブラシです。重ねると少ししゅわしゅわした感じになるのでこういう素材名になりました。


「RGB Dust」は完全なるおまけです。普段私がイラストの仕上げに使っている自作ブラシです。

Brush ブラシ

Bonus おまけ

Update history

2021/08/09: Upload 2021/12/15: Add Tag Thank you for the first shot! 2021/08/09:アップロード


Content ID:1858145

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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