A sketch pen when you want to foot a little in the background (背景に少しだけ足したい時の点描ペン) 背景に少しだけ足したい時の点描ペン

Content ID:1856409

  • 316

Not enough to stick the tone, but I want a sketch at one point... It is a pen made that I wish to use it at the time of. I think that it is easier to use it to press like the stamp than a stroke. Because it is not paved with white, it overlaps as it is put on the line drawing.
I think that there is not much to use the sketch is enlarged, but I think that coarse is noticeable when I try to expand into a big scene because it is a point made in black and white. In such a case, please use the sketch tone made on the larger which is put out elsewhere.

This page is made in B5 version 1200dpi. In the case of the A5 version, it enters the frame in the state a little more. Try adjusting it to your own easy-to-use size. It is not suitable for excessive scaling.
The size of the sketch can be changed by "particle size" instead of "brush size".
There are eight to nine kinds of single objects and roughly four types. (4 kinds of donuts) I think whether you can use it without the pattern fixation. If you scatter white, you can make more patterns.


Sketch Pen 点描ペン

Content ID:1856409

Published : 2 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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