A beautiful pointillism pen when you want to add a little to the background (背景に少しだけ足したい時の綺羅点描ペン) 背景に少しだけ足したい時の綺羅点描ペン
Content ID:2084847
Pointillism pen when you want to add a little to the background
It is a sister product of Content ID: 1856409. I made it because I thought it would be nice to have a little more glitter ~.
I tend to put a lot of things like this, but one point seems to be better ...
コンテンツID:1856409 の姉妹品です。もうちょっとキラキラ~な感じがいいなと思って作りました。
Beautifully pointillism pen 綺羅点描ペン