G Pen (G Pen) G Pen

Content ID:1834501

  • 17

It is a line flower / coloring pen of the crepas (?) feeling.
The G Pen is easy to use because it doesn't mix colors, and the G Pen 2 is easy to color with color mixing.

It is the picture which I drew only with G Pen
크레파스(?) 느낌의 선화/채색 펜입니다.
G Pen 은 색이 섞이지 않아 선화에 용이하고 G Pen 2는 색이 섞여 채색에 용이합니다.

G Pen으로만 그린 그림입니다

Category 1 카테고리 1

Content ID:1834501

Published : 3 years ago

Last updated : 3 years ago

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