Overlay Overlay
A texture that overlay or soft light over a color/Greske image.
It may be used for winter outerwear and stuffed animals.
The fluffy_fabric1 is used for thumbnail.
Overlay is recommended about 50 to 20%, soft light is about 100% to 40%.
There are a lot of setting of the layer concentration of 50 or more to be easy to understand sample examples.
The vertical_line shrinks the size to half or less. The ↓ is not shrinking.
mt mt
fluffy_fabric1 fluffy_fabric1
fluffy_fabric2 fluffy_fabric2
fluffy_fabric3 fluffy_fabric3
tissue tissue
curtain_fabric(S) curtain_fabric(S)
curtain_fabric (L) curtain_fabric(L)
messy_fabric messy_fabric
hairs hairs
vertical_line vertical_line
Will fog
Quartz Quartz
pentagon_texture pentagon_texture
square_texture square_texture
ink_bleed ink_bleed