Brush version of the tone material collection that has been put out in the past, is a sketch system brush bonus. 過去に出したトーン素材集のブラシバージョンと、おまけの点描系ブラシです。
Because the black one piece ribbon and the black noise ribbon are ribbon brushes, use the ruler tool if you want to use it linearly like a sample.
You can use it as a free hand or circle it with a circular ruler.
If you are interested in the tone of the original both thank you.
It is considerably different size because it is completely re-creation even if it is said to be a brush.
Category 1 カテゴリ1
Update history
2020/11/14: Heart sketch/Something foggy/Doyon line added 2020/11/14:ハート点描/もやもやした何か/どよん線追加
Old version