VP (Vanishing Point) STAR is an image material you can use for a quicker & easier perspective guide!
Convenient for me, and possibly for you!
Just to make things clear...
This is NOT a ruler
This is NOT a brush
This is NOT a vector tool (sadly)
This is NOT just a five-pointed star
This is a set of image materials
This is a guide for drawing with perspective
This is a vanishing point (ie. the direction where the perspective of an object/person gets smaller or bigger depending how near you are to the horizon line).
You can also use this to create a brush. Just double click the asset in the material window, and tick the "use for brush tip shape".
- Drag and drop the image material on your canvas
- Place the VP Star where you need it and adjust the size to your liking
- Use the lines as a guide for perspective planes
- You can lower the opacity or change the colour of the asset in the Layer Property window.
- You can use more than 1 VP star. Drag & drop to your heart's content!
Fun Fact: it's possible to go beyond 3-point perspective, that's how you create curvatures & archs & etc.
- To resize/adjust the size of the VP Star, select the Operation tool and select the image. Then go to the subtool window, and tick the "keep aspect ratio" so it won't warp.
- To warp/distort/skew/etc. the VP Star you can use the Transform tool or just untick "Keep Aspect Ratio"and then go to subtool window> Transformation settings> Mode for different settings.
- If you want to make the lines thicker, you can open Layer Proper> Border Effect and then adjust the thickness. Note: you can manually input the thickness value, but you can not go less than 0.01.
Do whatever you want with it! The reset button is in the same window and it looks like the circular thing on the left of the flip horizontal button.
Below are examples of how a vanishing point is used for 3 different To resize withu perspectives.
You can use the VP star to deconstruct the perspective in pictures as well, like this below.
The orignal size is unilaterially 30,000 pixels. Except for the [Circle]. So because of this, it might cause your csp to lag a bit when you drag & drop this to your canvas. But if your device can handle it, then no worries.
Because of the size, you don't have to worry resizing something this hecking big. I've already set it up to "Fit to Scale" your canvas. So if you should have to adjust the size, then perhaps it's only minimal.
If you're new to the terms (ie. "Vanishing Point", "Perspective", "Star" lol jk) you might want to google it. Learning perspective is fundamental in figure drawing and comics, so tackle it if you're intersted.
You can use this for decoration purposes, like halos or sunburst effects. It's very possible to make this into a brush too. You're absolutely free to do so too. Go nuts.
Hey wait a minute...
Q. "There's already a perspective ruler in csp, why do I need this anyway?"
A. You don't have to download it if you don't want to. I made this because I wanted it, and because sometimes it's annoying setting up the perspective ruler settings when I just want a quick vanishing point guide...that's all.
If you feel the same way and you'd rather have it done quickly, then you're free to download this.
I got inspiration from watching Ethan Becker's youtube vids while talking about perspective, in which he made his own vanishing point star. So I made one for myself and then registered it into my CSP for easy & quick use. And since I think it's a nifty thing to have, I decided to share this to all who might have need for it. Share it to others too if you like.
If there's any errors or you have suggestions, contact me via Twitter (@AndromedaVaine). My social links are available in my profile!
Peace out! (◕‿< )~☆
-- IVA, 2020