Hand Pose collection ⑧ the hand with cups cup (手ポーズ集⑧コップ・カップを持つ手あれこれ) 手ポーズ集⑧コップ・カップを持つ手あれこれ

Content ID:1762502

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It has a cup, glass, cup cup, canned drink, and a form of hand from various angles, 19 cuts. If you have something to suit the scene, go ahead. (※ Note: not a 3D material)

In the G-pen that set the pen pressure detective level, I'm drawn in a rough feel. You may use it as it is if it is a style of the style, or make it to Atari and do it with your pen touch.

-The picture of the hand vector layer, the Atari painting of the tableware is created in raster layer and stored in the layer folder (Figure ①). After pasting, adjust the size of each layer folder.

-The dish body is not included. Atari painting is for the image of the feeling in the hand. You may want to hide or remove it later.

-Picture with one hand please use the right and reverse depending on the scene. Because the picture with both hands divides a layer of the right hand and the left hand, please use this also according to the scene.

It is basically the hand of men.

(Figure ①)







Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1762502

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 1 month ago

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はじめましてこんにちは。DL・いいね・ギフト・フォローありがとうございます。 趣味でイラストや漫画を描いてます。クリスタ素材提供者の皆様には、いつもお世話になっています。