It is a set of balloons for cartoons.
I think that there are a lot of things which are easy to use in color comics.
Below the use example is a description of each balloon.
Another material for "bamboo mushroom"
Balloon Tool フキダシツール
LineDot1 LineDot1
LineDot2 LineDot2
LineDot3 LineDot3
Slip Tone Pen ズレToneペン
Line-S Gap ズレLine-S
Line-L Gap ズレLine-L
White Edge α □ ○ 白フチα□○
White Edge α Pen 白フチαペン
Hatch White □ Yes ハッチング白□○
Hatch White Pen ハッチング白ペン
Hatch Black □ Yes ハッチング黒□○
Hatch Black Pens ハッチング黒ペン
Vertical line 縦ライン
Borderless フチほわわ
Bumps Balloon Ti □ Yes ボツボツフキダシ□○
Bumps balloon pen ボツボツフキダシペン
Extra bonus (balloon layer) オマケ(フキダシレイヤー)