Sea urchin brush and hair growing pen (ウニブラシと毛生えペン) ウニブラシと毛生えペン

Content ID:1745260

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It is a hair growing pen with a lot of lines, a large sea urchin brush and a few lines. フリーハンドで書いた線を円形になるよう増やしていった、線の多いウニブラシと、線の少なめな毛生えペンです。

The sea urchin brush Betafla wind or sea urchin flash mock (? I think that you can draw a caterpillar, such as things like the branches of the tree, caterpillars, fur.

"Pen for writing letters!!" When used in conjunction with, you can do things like this.

I think that the hair growth pen can draw the thing which was Moffat such as the caterpillar to the character and the fur which felt fear.

Resolution 600DPI Commercial manuscript was created in paper size mm display.
The default size of the sea urchin brush 20mm, 400px the PX display, I think the hair grows pen 3mm is the same size in 60px.

* If the brush size is too small, the lines such as thorns will disappear, and you will be in a normal pen state.
-The pressure sensitivity makes the thorns appear larger. If you turn the pressure sensing off, you may become almost invisible or can not draw, so please use pressure sensitivity.
-Sea urchin brushes may not be able to be drawn by simply pushing the Pong lightly. Please draw it by the feeling that slightly strengthens, and pushes it a little longer.

Above, in the understanding, please use the settings to make it easy for yourself.

Improvements, etc., if there are things you notice, opinions, and I hope you can tell us the impression.








Brush Pens ブラシ ペン

Content ID:1745260

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 4 years ago

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