Men's Kimono pattern Tsumugi-cloth (男性用着物柄 紬・絣) 男性用着物柄 紬・絣

Content ID:1738852

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I collected a man pattern of the pongee and the cloth some. 紬や絣の男柄を幾つか集めました。

It is a pattern material of the pongee and the cloth with the Komon pattern like the so-called.
Use it as a pattern tone and use it at the appropriate size.

I drew it with a pen rough the weave ground.
The roughness of the pattern is a specification. Please forgive us.

Please layer color the color specification.
Feeling of use.
I think that I can increase the kind of the pattern gradually.
Please wait patiently.
20190317 Turtle Pattern Added
20190318 Striped Added
As for the addition, I renewed it again by using the material as a set treatment again.
I was allowed to remove the single release amount of the first. Please understand.
20201010 change name
20201103 3000DL Thank you!


20190317 亀甲柄追加
20190318 縞柄追加
20201010 名称変更
20201103 3000DLありがとうございます!

Pattern tones パターントーン

Update history

20190316 lattice pattern is released. Added a 20190317 turtle pattern. 20190318 Striped added. 20190316 格子柄を公開。
20190317 亀甲柄を追加。
20190318 縞柄追加。

Content ID:1738852

Published : 4 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

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