3D Solid tone Adjustment (3Dベタトーン調節) 3Dベタトーン調節

Content ID:1736857

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This material can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

3DLT conversion function is difficult to fine-tune the solid and tone... (; ´ Д ')
So, the adjustment is layer creation action that can be easily in the ' threshold '!

The EX version is with LT conversion, and the PRO version adjusts the LT conversion pear.

■ Usage
Place 3D on the canvas and adjust the shadows in the tool property.
Shadows can be adjusted using two light sources: parallel light 1 and parallel light 2. When it is not possible to adjust well by one light source, please also use "Parallel light 2"!

Adjust the contour line.
If the inner line is not made, select the object tool and try adjusting the "offset amount" item in the "Contour" from sub tool detail > Environment > rendering settings.

■ To play auto action
When the auto action is played, the EX version stops at the adjustment screen of the LT transformation.
Because you can change the thickness of the line width, please adjust it to your liking.
* PRO has no LT conversion function, so the item is omitted.
* After playing the action, the next time you perform the LT conversion, it will be the last number you performed. If there is a setting that you use all the time, keep it in action or make note of the settings and save.
Play the action to generate line drawings and shadow layers. Adjust the shadow range in the color threshold. * See video for instructions

Because the tone is hidden, please display the shadow folder when you use it.
The shadow range must be a threshold, and the concentration should be adjusted by the layer opacity of the tone folder.

If you want to zlatko the halftone dots of tone, select the Tone folder and change the number in the layer property dot settings > dot position.
Make your own corrections such as the line LT converted-

The PRO version does not have the LT conversion, I think that there is not enough line.
There are also actions that can be extracted line drawings made by Fujisaki Windmill, please try to use.
Line Extraction PRO EX [LT conversion obsolete] V3 content ID: 1805281

Because I can make a beautiful line by the LT conversion function of EX, the person who wants to use it is recommended upgrade to EX ^ ^








線抽出PRO・EX[LT変換不使用]V3 コンテンツID:1805281


Content ID:1736857

Published : 6 years ago

Last updated : 1 year ago

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