Real Prism Particle Brush
A stamp-type brush that draws a rainbow of light particles.
I wanted to create a more realistic representation than the "particle (Prism Brush)" published in the past.
I photograph the refracted light of the sun catcher and make it.
Real prism particle brush
過去に公開した「彩粒ブラシ(Prism particle)」よりもリアルな表現をしたくて作成しました。

■ Tip image is created in color fixation, 350DPI/RGB.
Because the size is large, it might become heavy depending on the environment....
Because the size is large, it might become heavy depending on the environment....
■ Please draw clockwise . (It will be a little unnatural if you draw against it.)
The layer mode to be drawn ■ recommends the emission layer, such as " screen" or "addition ".
The sample below is drawn by "screening".

■ 先端画像は色固定、350dpi/RGBで作成しています。
■ 時計回りに描画してください。(反対に描画するとちょっと不自然になります)
■ 描画するレイヤーモードは「スクリーン」や「加算」などの発光レイヤーを推奨しています。