Ruler set to draw fireworks beautifully quickly (綺麗に素早く花火を描く定規セット) 綺麗に素早く花火を描く定規セット

Content ID:1714532

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  • Free
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

The season of Summer festival is approaching soon.
There is a scene that has to be painted fireworks recently, when it was not a good thing circular, and was embarrassed to not even form equally, it's easy if you make a ruler? I thought I made.
I use it personally, but if it is good, please use it.

I made a fireworks brush for the extra 、... If you do not need it, please delete it (* _ *)

It is recommended that the cover-baked color & cover is luminous.
最近花火を描かなければならない場面があり、その時上手い事円形にならず、形も均等にならずに困っていたところ、定規作っちゃえば楽じゃね? と思い作りました。



Fireworks Brush Ruler 花火ブラシ定規

Content ID:1714532

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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絵を描いて生活してる、日本のイラストレーター。 ご相談や色々受付中。 時々素材やなんやかんやを投げます。