Hanging glitter Brush Set (hangs stars and cats) (つり下げきらきらブラシセット(hangs stars and cats)) つり下げきらきらブラシセット(hangs stars and cats)

Content ID:1714745

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It is a set of system brush material hanging down.
I personally have been planning to use (/. Ω)/If you like, please use...!
(It became the notation of material...... Exactly
Is a brush set)

This Brush set which hangs stars and cats.
You can change the color of it.
There are included in this set that STAR SET & CAT and STAR SET & BIRD and CLOVER SET & STAR SET (ver2).
I hope you like it.
個人的に使用予定があり作りました(/・ω・)/ もしよろしければ使ってみてください…!

This brush set which hangs stars and cats.
You can change the color of it.
There are included in this set that STAR SET & CAT and STAR SET & BIRD and CLOVER SET & STAR SET(ver2).
I hope you like it.

Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:1714745

Published : 5 years ago

Last updated : 5 years ago

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絵を描いて生活してる、日本のイラストレーター。 ご相談や色々受付中。 時々素材やなんやかんやを投げます。