Sketches cross-hatching Brushes & Balloons (点描カケアミブラシ&フキダシ集) 点描カケアミブラシ&フキダシ集

Content ID:1702263

  • 601
  • 100 GOLD
  • 700 CLIPPY
This material collection includes materials that can be used in Studio Mode. (What is Studio Mode?)

A sketch cross-hatching brushes & balloons.
I made it to want the thing of cross-hatching sketch by the balloon tool, but I made it by the brush thinking that I could do it with a brush.
The prototype was printed in the gray offset printing. I think that it changes by the adjustment of the brush size and the printing place. If the brush size is small, the dots will collapse or black, and the dots will not be printed.
-Draw a black and white layer to color or gray layer, you change the impression without anti-aliasing, please try changing to preference.
... It is the name of taught because I do not understand the commonly known cross-hatching sketches. It was called somehow "black fragment" or "White fragment".

Brush ブラシ

Balloon Ti フキダシ

Update history

2017/10/26 appearances 2018/03/21 "title material" tag added 2017/10/26 初出
2018/03/21 「お題素材」タグ追加

Content ID:1702263

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 6 years ago

中川中's profile Go to profile

漫画を描いたり絵を描いたりしています。めんどくさがりなので『いちいち描くのが面倒!』と思って作った素材が多いです。*有償素材は『10CLIPPY=1GOLD』という換算をしております。*GOLD素材は手数料分を含ませていただいておりますのでCLIPPYより少し高いです。 Twitter(更新少ない連絡用)→