Shogi Pose Collection 8 set (将棋ポーズ集8セット) 将棋ポーズ集8セット

Content ID:1697433

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It is a pose that points to shogi. It might be usable even when it hits go. Please to the game scene! 将棋を指しているポーズです。碁を打つ時のにも使えるかもしれません。対局シーンにどうぞ!

Basic, ①-Agra, ② sit, assuming two of the sitting,
  • Refers
  • Ponder
  • Arms
  • An epiphany.
Patterns, and the total was eight.

As an aside, Sota Fujii four, the youngest pro-players, 29 consecutive victories in history! \ (O ⌒ ∇ ⌒ o)/For 30 years at just 14 years of age, the most pleasant advance, such as a winning streak that was not broken, was an eye-opener. The first players born in the 21st century also makes me feel hopeful. (In 2016)
Congratulations on five crowns in 2022 and teenage years!

Congratulations to Hanyu Yoshiharu, Nai! (In 2017)

[Agra Point]

[Agra pondering]

[Pointing Straight]

[Contemplating sitting straight]

The idea of a Agra

[Sitting and hit the epiphany]

[Agra-arms] when you are stuck in thought and think

[Straight and arms]

  • 指し
  • 熟考
  • 腕組み
  • ひらめいた

余談ですが藤井聡太四段、史上最年少でプロ棋士、29連勝おめでとう!\(o⌒∇⌒o)/ わずか14歳で30年間破られなかった最多連勝を塗りかえるなどの快進撃は目を見張らせるものがありました。21世紀生まれ最初の棋士というのも希望を感じさせます。(2016年当時)

羽生善治竜王、永世七冠おめでとうございます! (2017年当時)







【あぐら・腕組み】 思案に行き詰まって、「う~ん」と考え込んでいるとき。


Pose ポーズ

Update history

2022, 07/17 Add 4 poses 2022,07/17 4ポーズ追加

Content ID:1697433

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 2 years ago

廬舎那@ルシャナ's profile Go to profile

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