It is a saturated line tool for the speech bubble that seems to be usable in the speech of the speech like a gag line and a deadly technique of the seen street. 見ての通りの必殺技とかギャグセリフとか、漢らしいセリフのフキダシに使えそうなフキダシ用集中線ツールです。
Category 1 カテゴリ1
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It is a saturated line tool for the speech bubble that seems to be usable in the speech of the speech like a gag line and a deadly technique of the seen street. 見ての通りの必殺技とかギャグセリフとか、漢らしいセリフのフキダシに使えそうなフキダシ用集中線ツールです。
Category 1 カテゴリ1
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