Watercolor Pencil Style Brush (水彩色鉛筆風ブラシ) 水彩色鉛筆風ブラシ

Content ID:1682348

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This is a watercolor pencil-like brush. It is a set of seven kinds of thickness and Mizui wind brush. 水彩色鉛筆風のブラシです。太さ7種類と水筆風ブラシのセットです。

It is a set of watercolor pencil-like brush and Mizui-ish brush.
Because the adjustment of the brush size is a little troublesome with the scatter brush, there are seven difference in the thickness in the pencil.
Choose the most pencil-like thickness to fit the resolution.
Mizui to suppress eyes because the texture disappears and stretched spree,
I think it is good to put on the texture.

Brush ブラシ

Content ID:1682348

Published : 7 years ago

Last updated : 7 years ago

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