tonal correction action (色調補正アクション) 色調補正アクション

Content ID:1425327

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Because there might be a place difficult to use because it is an action pallet made for oneself, I am glad that I can adjust each one after the DL. 自分用に作ったアクションパレットなので使いにくい所があるかもしれませんので、DL後は各自調整してもらえると嬉しいです。

Change the tone of the image with one click.
Use a layer-integrated image beforehand.
The original image remains as it is, and it is easy to correct it afterwards because it changes using the color balance layer.
I processed the photograph in the sample to be easy to understand the effect, but can use it in the illustration.
A little accent, please.

Content ID:1425327

Published : 11 years ago

Last updated : 8 years ago

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