Seamless materials for dogs, cats, and rabbits (いぬ・ねこ・うさぎのシームレス素材) いぬ・ねこ・うさぎのシームレス素材

Content ID:2161416

  • 47

It is a seamless (tiling) image material of dogs, cats, and rabbits.

Since it is seamless, you can change it to your favorite size and use it.
The tone is set from the beginning.
(Darker tones are also included!) )
You can use it for manga as it is.

You can use it as a background or for patterns on clothes.

If you have any problems, we would appreciate it if you could contact us.
Please note that material prices are subject to charge or change without notice.
いぬ・ねこ・うさぎ のシームレス(タイリング)の画像素材です。




Category 1 カテゴリ1

Content ID:2161416

Published : 3 days ago

Last updated : 3 days ago

どんぐりぴよちゃん's profile Go to profile

二人で運営してます! デッサン人形のポーズ素材や画像素材を作っています。 何かのお役に立てたら嬉しいです。 素材の価格は予告なく有料化や変更する場合がありますので、予めご了承ください。